April 2024
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Tax Season’s Little Facts

I’m getting ready to do my taxes, and I thought I would thrown out some numbers to see how the system really works. I always get frustrated this time of year, and here is why:

  • 1% of all people in the US pay over 40% of all taxes
  • 25% of all people in the US pay over 86% of all taxes
  • Over 43% of all people in the US pay ZERO taxes or pay ZERO taxes AND receive government handouts
  • If you have a job that pays over ~$40,000/year, you are working until April 13 just to pay the government, who in turns hands it over to someone else who is likely lazy.

This trend has been happening for a while, and each year less and less people pay more and more of the taxes.  The kick in the nuts is that the majority of people can say “yes” to more government spending, such as healthcare, stimulus bills, bailouts, etc., but to them its “free” because the majority of people pay almost no taxes, meaning they leave it up to the Top 1% or 25% to pay for everything.

Its a shame when more people go to the post office to pick up a government check than those who go to the tax office (or through their work deductions) to drop off a check to the government.

So you see the next time you vote, and politicians promise things, those things are coming out of someone’s pocket (yours) to someone who doesn’t work.  They will always take disproportionately more from those at the top to get elected, because there is not enough of them to vote them out.  And when you see those crowds on TV supporting specific programs, think “Who is paying for this?”, chances are they are not and you are.

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