April 2024
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The Littlest Things Sometimes Mean So Much

As many of you know, my position at work was recenly elminated as part of a corporate restructuring, and the lifecycle of the product I helped to managed.

Well, I recently started to apply for positions within the organization that let me go, and a day after my first round of interviews, while having lunch with a friend at a vegan restaurant (yes, I did say “vegan”, which is a whole other story), I received a phone call from a number I didn’t recognize. Contrary to what I normally do (i.e. ignore), I went outside and answered the phone. What ensued was something that really touched me…

An acquantaince from work, whom I didn’t know all that well, was on the other end, and he told me that he saw me interviewing with the hiring manager, and that same day while speaking with her conveyed how much of a pleasure it was working with me, and how he thought I would be a good fit for the position.

Totally out of the blue, especially since I never told him I was released, and especially since I never gave him my phone number. I tried to convey over the phone, how much it meant to me to get his phone call, but I’m sure I didn’t do a great job (I followed up today with a quick thank you note).

That phone call totally humbled me, and truly touched me. Not necessarily the recommendation itself (though that was nice!), but the fact that someone would take it upon himself to proactively, without solicitation, go up and say something positive on my behalf. And then ask around for my phone number and give me a call.

All I can say is “WOW!”. I learned something that day about being a better person.

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